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红耀新年 绚丽绽放

第一财经 2019-01-22 18:03:22



【2019年1月18日 ,成都远洋太古里】 新年伊始,施华洛世奇成都远洋太古里新概念水晶轩于1月18日璀璨开幕。作为施华洛世奇亚洲品牌代言人,江疏影亦于2019年首次亮相于施华洛世奇成都新概念水晶轩的落成,携手施华洛世奇行政董事局成员水晶精品业务首席执行官Robert Buchbauer、施华洛世奇行政董事局成员水晶精品部市场营销执行副总裁Joan Ng、施华洛世奇行政董事局成员水晶精品部全渠道零售运营执行副总裁Michele Molon以及施华洛世奇水晶精品部中国区董事总经理Judith Sun、成都远洋太古里总经理伍玉珊女士,与现场嘉宾一同传递诚挚的新年祝福,开启一段闪耀之旅。施华洛世奇倾情为中国消费者推出2019中国新年ICONIC SWAN系列红色版,在这喜逢春节来临的日子,用象征幸运与活力的正红色绽放更加绚丽的中国魅力。

(January 18, 2019,Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu) At the beginning of New Year, Swarovski Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu Forerunner Store had its glittering opening on January 18, 2019. Maggie Jiang, the Spokeswoman of Swarovski Asia, made her debut in Swarovski Chengdu Forerunner Store. Maggie Jiang, with Swarovski executive board member Mr. Robert Buchbauer - CEO of Swarovski Consumer Goods Business, Swarovski executive board member Joan Ng - Executive Vice President of Marketing, and Swarovski executive board member Michele Molon - Executive Vice-president of Omnichannel Operations, along with Judith Sun - Managing Director of China and Ms. Molly Wu - General Manager of Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu delivered sincere New Year greetings and embarked on a sparkling journey with the present guests. 2019 ICONIC SWAN collection using the hot "Chinese Red" to present its most classic ICONIC SWAN for a sparkly surprise and deliver great festive blessings. The color of Chinese red, a symbol of fortune and vitality, makes the gorgeous Chinese charm even more blooming.

由左至右:施华洛世奇行政董事局成员水晶精品部全渠道零售运营执行副总裁Michele Molon、 施华洛世奇行政董事局成员水晶精品部市场营销执行副总裁Joan Ng、 施华洛世奇行政董事局成员水晶精品业务首席执行官Robert Buchbauer、施华洛世奇亚洲品牌代言人江疏影、成都远洋太古里总经理伍玉珊女士、施华洛世奇水晶精品部中国区董事总经理Judith Sun

From left to right: Swarovski Management Board Member Michele Molon - Executive Vice-president of Omnichannel Operations, Swarovski Management Board Member Joan Ng - Executive Vice President of Marketing, Swarovski Management Board Member Mr. Robert Buchbauer - CEO of Swarovski Consumer Goods Business, Maggie Jiang- the Spokeswoman of Swarovski Asia, Ms. Molly Wu - General Manager of Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu, Judith Sun - Managing Director of China

继第一家施华洛世奇全球新概念水晶轩在伦敦牛津街开业后引起巨大反响后,施华洛世奇中国第一家施华洛世奇新概念水晶轩亦于2019年中国新年前夕于成都远洋太古里落成。不同于其他施华洛世奇水晶轩店铺,新概念水晶轩带来的是先进数字科技的产品展示,智能的消费者体验,和前沿的时尚搭配。此次坐落于成都的新概念水晶轩,其“峦心”艺术化装置由施华洛世奇品牌与知名艺术家JuJu Wang倾力打造,将施华洛世奇独有的光影表现与艺术家自身的光影美学相结合,将内置的楼梯打造成时空隧道,展现由日出至日落的光影变幻。为促进消费者体验,店铺内更独立设有赠礼包装区,更有驻店造型师为前来的消费者提供最专业的搭配建议与赠礼服务。

After a huge success of the first Swarovski Forerunner Store in Oxford Street in London, Swarovski China opened its first Forerunner Store in Chengdu just before the Chinese New Year 2019. Differing from other Swarovski stores, the Swarovski Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu Forerunner Store presents the advanced digital product display, intelligent shopper experience, and cutting-edge fashion style. The Swarovski Chengdu Forerunner Store locates in the heart of City Chengdu. The Mountain’s Heart art installation was created by JuJu Wang, a well-known artist. The installation radiates the aesthetics of light and shadow, and is in sync with the unique sparkle of the brand. The narrow stairwell was made into a time tunnel to represent the splendid transitioning through the changing light and shade from sunrise to sunset. Also with dedicated gift-wrapping area to offer the best shopping experience. And resident stylists providing professional stylingadvise and gift service.

施华洛世奇成都远洋太古里新概念水晶轩店铺  Swarovski Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu Forerunner Store

冰晶峦心 光影交错

Crystal Mountain’s Heart, A splendid light transition


Swarovski Forerunner Store features the color of silver white with a starry background right in the entrance, so bright and magnificent. When the viewers enter the store, the Mountain’s Heart is explored to them right away. The Crystal Valley is designed as a flood of bright white romantic space inside the purity of the crystals. Stepping on the stair, the wall cuts portraying wave crystals compose a fluid flow that enchants the public. The reflection in the mirrors, bouncing and reflecting everything, unleashes an interactive space where the viewer becomes part of the artwork. Along with the light changing from dark to bright in the stage of reverie, contemporary water shaped laser cuts unleash a free flow environment. Over 10,000 Swarovski’s crystal attached to the cave’s mesh guide the viewer’s way, connecting all the stages together into a complete whole and showing the splendid transitioning through the changing light and shade from sunrise to sunset. In addition to the dreamlike Mountain's Heart art installation, the window shop display is also very ingenious. Inspiration arose from the childhood moments, hanging crystal bells resemble small moving stars on a Christmas trail train. Just like the Remix collection, they mix together in an endless set of possibilities, as an interactive, fun and elegant installation.


Swarovski Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu Forerunner Store strives to build the most exquisite space in store design for customers. Besides, the reserved gift-wrapping Area has been added to offer the best shopping experience. The store dedicates to be innovative in service as well. There are resident stylists providing personalized stylingservice to every customer for a gorgeous and radiant look.

施华洛世奇成都远洋太古里新概念水晶轩店铺, “峦心”艺术装置  Swarovski Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu Forerunner Store , Crystal Mountain’s Heart

施华洛世奇成都远洋太古里新概念水晶轩店铺, Remix系列橱窗装饰  Swarovski Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu Forerunner Store, Remix series window deco

优雅现身 闪耀光彩

Elegant presence, Glaring radiance

作为施华洛世奇亚洲品牌代言人亮相成都开幕仪式,江疏影小姐活动当天现身新概念水晶轩,一身优雅干练西服,搭配施华洛世奇红色ICONIC SWAN手链和ERA JOURNEY腕表,以炽热红色与新年气息遥相呼应,搭配黑色宽腰带增添层次感,剪裁利落令整体造型呈现璀璨魅力。耳畔和指间佩戴春季LUCKY GODDESS系列,至臻工艺搭配摩洛哥风情的金色装饰,绽放女神光芒。当日江疏影小姐与施华洛世奇行政董事局成员水晶精品业务首席执行官Robert Buchbauer、施华洛世奇行政董事局成员水晶精品部市场营销执行副总裁Joan Ng、施华洛世奇水晶行政董事局成员精品部全渠道零售运营执行副总裁Michele Molon以及施华洛世奇水晶精品部中国区董事总经理Judith Sun一起体验施华洛世奇成都远洋太古里新概念水晶轩的全新店铺设计。

In the opening ceremony in Chengdu, Maggie Jiang, the spokeswoman of Swarovski Asia, was wearing Swarovski red ICONIC SWAN bracelet and ERA JOURNEY watch, in a total red suit corresponding to Chinese New Year and layered with a black wide belt, presenting a clean and elegant glamourous look. Maggie Jiang shone like a goddess as she was also wearing earrings and the ring of Swarovski spring LUCKY GODDESS collection, crafted by the precision and the perfection crystal cuts with Moroccan golden embellishment. During the event, Maggie Jiang and Swarovski management board member Mr. Robert Buchbauer - CEO of Swarovski Consumer Goods Business, Swarovski management board member Joan Ng - Executive Vice President of Marketing and Swarovski management board member Michele Molon - Executive Vice-president of Omni-Channel Operations of Consumer Goods Business, along with Judith Sun, Managing Director of China, experienced the all-new store design of Swarovski Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu Forerunner Store.

施华洛世奇亚洲品牌代言人江疏影  Maggie Jiang, Spokeswoman of Swarovski Asia

从左至右:施华洛世奇行政董事局成员水晶精品业务首席执行官Robert Buchbauer、施华洛世奇亚洲区品牌代言人江疏影、施华洛世奇行政董事局成员水晶精品部市场营销执行副总裁Joan Ng、施华洛世奇行政董事局成员水晶精品部中国区董事总经理Judith Sun一同体验成都远洋太古里新概念水晶轩全新店铺设计  From left to right: Swarovski Management Board Member Mr. Robert Buchbauer - CEO of Swarovski Consumer Goods Business, Maggie Jiang- Spokeswoman of Swarovski Asia, Swarovski Management Board Member Joan Ng - Executive Vice President of Marketing, Judith Sun - Managing Director of China visited Swarovski Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu Forerunner Store

红耀新年 绚丽绽放

Blooming Red Chinese New Year


OntheoccasionofNewYear, Swarovski Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu Forerunner Store prepared the Blooming Chinese New Year illustration experience activity. The new Chinese Red ICONIC SWAN collection made a perfect gift for the Chinese New Year. Adhering to the innovative ideas, Swarovski uses the hot "Chinese Red" to present its most classic ICONIC SWAN for a sparkling surprise. Red is the most quintessential festival element of Chinese New Year, and an emblem of fortune and all the longings for a new year. ICONIC SWAN collection has always been the representative works of Swarovski's classic inheritance. This time, the brand revitalized this collection and made it a splash by reinterpreting the elegance of Swans with the color of Chinese red that symbolizes fortune and vitality.

施华洛世奇亚洲品牌代言人江疏影佩戴ICONIC SWAN  Maggie Jiang, Spokeswoman of Swarovski Asia, wearing Swarovski ICONIC SWAN

红色ICONIC SWAN系列项链以优雅的镀金色链饰搭配镶有红色仿水晶的天鹅坠,手链以一半幸运红色的绳饰与一半镀金色链饰搭配,造型精致,璀璨迷人之余,雅致大方的设计别具风格,为新年装扮注入闪耀光彩,吸睛指数满分。施华洛世奇同期推出了以2019年生肖小猪为造型的首饰,俏皮可爱的设计打造新年欢乐氛围,传递浓浓节日祝福。

The red ICONIC SWAN necklace crafts in elegant gold-plated chain and red crystal swan pendants. The bracelet features with half of the lucky red rope and half of the gold-plated chain in an exquisite shape, it sparkles charmingly with its elegant and unique design, perfect for Chinese New Year’s outfit. Swarovski also launched the jewelry features with motifs of 2019 Zodiac piglet. The cute and lovely design creates a happy atmosphere for the Chinese New Year and delivers great Festival blessings.

施华洛世奇ICONIC SWAN系列  Swarovski ICONIC SWAN collection

施华洛世奇ICONIC SWAN系列  Swarovski ICONIC SWAN collection

施华洛世奇LITTLE系列  Swarovski LITTLE collection

施华洛世奇LITTLE系列  Swarovski LITTLE collection

施华洛世奇LITTLE系列  Swarovski LITTLE collection


In this new launch, Swarovski combines art and products in such a new way that it brings us a fabulous visual feast where romance harmonizes with exquisite craftsmanship, and creates an immersive shopping experience.




由施华洛世奇仿水晶业务、Swarovski Optik(光学设备)和Tyrolit(研磨产品)组成的施华洛世奇集团,2015年营业额为33.7亿欧罗,员工人数超过30,000人。施华洛世奇基金会(SwarovskiFoundation)于2012年成立,旨在表彰创始人Daniel Swarovski的慈善家精神,并以支持创意与文化、关怀社会及保护自然资源为宗旨。

