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第一财经 2024-05-07 17:16:06 听新闻




On 26 April 2024, the UN Global Compact China Liaison Office launched the Sino-Africa Corporate Community Action Network on Sustainable Development at the United Nations Building in Beijing. Representatives from UN agencies, Chinese governments, African diplomatic envoys, enterprises, academic institutions and media gathered to witness the kickoff event of the action network and discussed how enterprises can strengthen partnerships and address ESG and sustainable development challenges when operating in Africa, thus better contributing to the sustainable development of African communities and people’s livelihoods, accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

为加快落实联合国全球契约组织《中国战略》中非企业可持续发展的战略目标,推进2030年可持续发展议程,联合国全球契约组织在华联络办公室发起“中非社区可持续发展行动网络”(Sino-Africa Corporate Community Action Network on Sustainable Development)。该网络将持续汇聚公共部门、企业、国际组织、学术机构、媒体等多利益相关方,旨在为在非投资与运营的参与企业搭建国际性交流合作平台,通过开展长效化合作运营,共同关注环境、劳工、SDG创新、青年就业和医疗健康等议题,助力企业应对在非经营过程中的可持续发展挑战,并促成不同行业与领域的可持续发展合作。

To accelerate the implementation of the strategic goals for "strengthening South-South cooperation through China-Africa business collaboration on the SDGs" outlined in the UN Global Compact's "China Strategy", and to advance the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, the UN Global Compact China Liaison Office has initiated the "Sino-Africa Corporate Community Action Network on Sustainable Development". This network will continuously bring together public sectors, businesses, international organizations, academic institutions, media, and other stakeholders. The aim is to provide an international platform for collaboration and exchange for participating enterprises investing and operating in Africa, fostering long-term cooperative operations. The network will focus on environmental issues, labor practices, SDG innovation, youth employment, healthcare, and other relevant topics, aiming to assist companies in addressing sustainable development challenges when operating in Africa and promoting sustainable development cooperation across different industries and sectors.

外交部非洲司参赞陈小雷、索马里驻华大使阿瓦莱· 阿里· 库拉内阁下(H.E. Mr. Awalle Kullane) 、阿尔及利亚驻华大使拉赫桑阁下(H.E.Mr.Kaid Slimane Lahcene),以及来自肯尼亚、喀麦隆、乌干达、尼日利亚、莫桑比克、津巴布韦的外交官出席活动。

Chen Xiaolei, Counsellor of the Department of African Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China; H.E. Mr. Awalle Kullane, Ambassador of Somalia to China; H.E. Mr. Kaid Slimane Lahcene, Ambassador of Algeria to China and diplomats from Kenya, Cameroon, Uganda, Nigeria, Mozambique, and Zimbabwe attended the event.


Ms. Meng Liu, Head of the UN Global Compact China Liaison Office, stated in her opening remarks, "2024 marks the 20th anniversary of ESG concept and principles, which was first introduced by the UN Global Compact, and it also represents the midpoint of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. At this crucial juncture, cooperation between Chinese and African enterprises requires an enhanced group consciousness, improved ESG effectiveness, and the amplification of collective impact to share and promote sustainable action plans that have proven to be effective and replicable. Through establishing the 'Sino-Africa Corporate Community Action Network on Sustainable Development', we aim to provide enterprises operating in Africa with sustainable development guidance based on UN principles. Our goal is to create a platform for sustained communication, cross-industry collaboration, and practical action in the business sector, bringing together multiple stakeholders to discuss ESG challenges faced by businesses in operations and to find innovative solutions. The UN Global Compact hopes that this network will serve as a new starting point and become a bridge for strengthening connections and collaboration between enterprises operating in Africa and various stakeholders in the longer term. Today, we will witness many enterprises announcing initiatives to promote community sustainable development across various African countries. In the future, we hope that more enterprises from different sectors will join our network, pooling resources and efforts to advance sustainable China-Africa cooperation and achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals sooner."


In the speech, Chen Xiaolei, Counsellor of the Department of African Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, highly praised the active contributions of Chinese enterprises in deepening pragmatic cooperation between China and Africa and enhancing Sino-African friendship. Counselor Chen stated that China will continue to stand firmly with its African brothers, adhering to the principles of sincerity, real results, amity and good faith in China-Africa relations, and pursuing the greater good and shared interests. As the main driving force behind China-Africa cooperation, enterprises should fully leverage their advantages, deepen their presence in the African market, and contribute greater strength to China-Africa relations. Additionally, he further emphasized, "Since its establishment, the UN Global Compact has been working in various fields of sustainable development, providing assistance for the sustainable development of global enterprises."

索马里驻华大使阿瓦莱· 阿里· 库拉内阁下在致辞中表示,中非社区可持续发展行动网络是一个非常重要的网络,也是重要的计划。中非双方有共同的愿景和目标,都想创造一个可持续的未来。中非要加强双方的承诺来促进可持续的合作,以达到实现经济发展和繁荣的同时,实现环境保护及社会平等。

H.E. Amb. Awalle Kullane, Ambassador of Somalia to China stated in his speech that the Sino-Africa Corporate Community Action Network on Sustainable Development was a very important network and program. China and Africa have shared visions and goals to create a sustainable future. Both parties need to strengthen their commitment to promote sustainable cooperation and forge a path that not only drives economic prosperity but also ensures environmental sustainability and social equity.


Subsequently, representatives from participating companies announced their action projects and workplans in Africa, providing valuable insights and for other participating companies, kicking off the first steps of the Sino-Africa Corporate Community Action Network on Sustainable Development.


Among them, Fosun Pharma announced to donate 10 million RMB artemisinin-based antimalarial drugs to Africa in the next three years, and to support the construction of healthy communities. Hainan Mining announced the "Bougouni Pleasant Community Project" in Mali, focusing on infrastructure construction, education and contributions on enhancing health services, working conditions, local employment and business development. Huayou Cobalt shared initiatives illustrated in their social responsibility commitments, including projects in education, health care, environment, agriculture, vocational training, and other aspects. Boton announced to implement Boton African Communities Future Transporter Cultivation Program and the Sunshine Road Plan in African Communities where the business operates. These projects aim to improve youth employment by offering vocational training on operation and maintenance skills of the transportation system. At the same time, the company plans to improve the condition of infrastructure and roads to enhance the well-being of local communities. Hithium introduced its "Hero EE" electricity solution which was tailored to contribute to the most prominent electricity demand in Africa. In the next three years, the company plans to launch renewable energy entrepreneurship projects for young people in Nigeria through capacity-building programs on entrepreneurship and the capability of building and maintaining off-grid energy infrastructure for local communities. CHINT announced that in the next three years, its Uganda meter factory, as a base, would provide vocational training for young electricians. The company cooperates with other businesses in Africa to carry out at least 10 joint projects on sustainable development. HUAWEI, along with its local partners, has been committed to using digital technology to promote the sustainable development of African communities in the past 20 years. The company has been providing stable and secure Internet connection to guarantee digital connectivity. Digital technologies have also been applied by the company to improve the environment, foster digital skills for future talents and young leaders, and together construct the local digital community.


Last but not least, the UN Global Compact China Liaison Office highlighted its "Eco-Loobox Pilot Project" initiated collectively by the UN Global Compact China Liaison Office, China COSCO Shipping Corporation, LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd. and the Eco-Design Institute of the Academy of Arts & Design of Tsinghua University. It has been a significant practice and exploration of the UN Global Compact China Liaison Office’s BRI for SDGs Action Platform to promote public health and environmental protection, as well as other fields of sustainable development. The project provides valuable experience and examples to address inequalities of accessibility to sanitation facilities and improve access to basic sanitation services for populations in underdeveloped areas. The first integrated water-saving eco-loobox was completed and piloted in Funing County, Yunnan Province in October 2021. The second water-free eco-loobox was installed and put into use in Malipo County, Yunnan Province in March 2024.


In the expert sharing session, Mr. Xiaohui Liang, Deputy Chief Economist, China Textile Information Centre (CTIC), Chief Researcher at the China National Textile and Apparel Council, Mr. Jianhua Li, Director of Brand Communication Department, Center of Asia and Pacific, China International Communications Group, and Mr. Lihui Sun, Director of China Chamber of Commerce of Metals, Minerals & Chemicals Importers & Exporters (CCCMC), initiator of the Responsible Critical Mineral Initiative (RCI), delivered speeches respectively that was centered around the protection of human rights in the overseas operations of Chinese enterprises, China's overseas communication strategy for enterprises, and how to build the influence of enterprises abroad, as well as how to innovate consultation and mediation mechanisms and support corporate human rights due diligence. Subsequently, Ms. Xiaohui Guan, Vice Chairman of Fosun Pharma, addressed the audience as a representative of the first batch of participating companies in the action network,


Other organizations including public welfare foundations, business councils, research institutions and other stakeholders also attended the event. In the round-table session, participants held an in-depth and effective communication based on their own experiences, challenges and learnings.

本次活动的顺利举办标志着联合国全球契约组织《中国战略》中非合作议题的最新行动,“中非社区可持续发展行动网络”搭建了联合国全球契约组织与在非经营企业的专门桥梁, 联合国全球契约组织期待通过这一网络,进一步加强中非企业可持续发展的交流与合作,动员更多在非洲经营的中国企业为实现可持续发展目标做出积极贡献。

The launch of the Sino-Africa Corporate Community Action Network on Sustainable Development marks the latest action on "China-Africa business cooperation on the SDGs" area in the United Nations Global Compact's "China Strategy". This action platform has built a dedicated bridge between the United Nations Global Compact and enterprises operating in Africa. The UN Global Compact China Liaison Office looks forward to strengthening communication and cooperation on sustainable development between Chinese and African enterprises through this network, mobilizing more Chinese businesses operating in Africa to make positive contributions towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
